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Our latest blogs

What's new in CAIRIS
What is in the latest CAIRIS update

CAIRIS tool-demo at Open Security Summit
CAIRIS at Open Security Summit

Setting up your own CAIRIS server
Self-serve CAIRIS registration and revocation

CAIRIS YouTube Channel
Video tutorials and more

Support for Word and OpenDocument Text specification generation
Support for Word and OpenDocument Text specification generation

CAIRIS 2.1 Release

New and improved CAIRIS

Integrating CAIRIS into your toolchain

Validating GDPR Compliance with CAIRIS
Helping you build privacy in

Participating in CII's Best Practices Program
And why Security by Design Open Source Security matters

Threat Modelling, Documentation and More
Just because we've been quiet doesn't mean we haven't been busy

Creating Personas using the Persona Helper, CAIRIS, and Trello
Automating the persona creation process

CAIRIS Live Demo
CAIRIS in the cloud

the Persona Helper
A Chrome Extension that makes building personas from online data easier

CAIRIS: Now available via Docker Hub
Running CAIRIS is now easier than ever

Introducing the CAIRIS web app
Next steps in the evolution of CAIRIS

Easing the process of adopting CAIRIS
Test, packages, and more

CAIRIS examples
Specification Exemplars for Security using CAIRIS

Springer book about CAIRIS
CAIRIS book coming soon

Building personas into design tools: why CAIRIS does it, and how
Four guideline for integrating personas into software engineering tools

CAIRIS in the movies
Looking at movies to see how central software is to security design

Incorporating attack trees into CAIRIS
Attack trees are great for ideation, but how do you integrate them into a larger system's design with the minimum of effort?